Poker Define Float


Poker Float Meaning

  1. The term float refers to the regular shares a company has issued to the public that are available for investors to trade. This figure is derived by taking a company's outstanding shares.
  2. A buoyant device used to support something in water or another liquid. Attach the float and the weight to the fishing line, above the hook. A mass of timber or boards fastened together, and conveyed down a stream by the current; a raft.
Poker define four of a kind
third-person singular simple presentfloats, present participlefloating, simple past and past participlefloated

Texas Holdem Glossary. Newcomers to Texas holdem often get confused by some of the colorful slang and jargon used at the tables. We’ve put together this lengthy and (hopefully) comprehensive Texas holdem terms page to provide definitions for some of the words and phrases you might not be familiar with. “Float Flop” actually means “% of time that a player bets the flop in position after he’s been checked to by the pre-flop raiser”. Most of the poker coaches also refer to this definition when they mention Float Flop in their videos. Similarly, we can have Float Turn and Float River stats as well.

  1. Of an object or substance, to be supported by a liquid of greater density than the object so as that part of the object or substance remains above the surface.The boat floated on the water.The oil floated on the vinegar.
  2. To cause something to be suspended in a liquid of greater density; as, to float a boat.
  3. To be capable of floating.That boat doesn’t float.Oil floats on vinegar.
  4. To move in a particular direction with the liquid in which one is floatingI’d love to just float downstream.
  5. To drift or wander aimlessly.I’m not sure where they went... they’re floating around here somewhere.Images from my childhood floated through my mind.
  1. To drift gently through the air.The balloon floated off into the distance.
  2. To move in a fluid manner.The dancer floated gracefully around the stage.
  3. colloquial (of an idea or scheme) To be viable.That’s a daft idea... it’ll never float.
  4. To propose (an idea) for consideration.I floated the idea of free ice-cream on Fridays, but no one was interested.
  5. To automatically adjust a parameter as related parameters change.
  6. finance (of currencies) To have an exchange value determined by the markets as opposed to by rule.The yen floats against the dollar.
  7. finance To allow (the exchange value of a currency) to be determined by the markets.The government floated the pound in January.Increased pressure on Thailand’s currency, the baht, in 1997 led to a crisis that forced the government to float the currency.
  8. colloquial To extend a short-term loan to.Could you float me $50 until payday?
  9. finance To issue or sell shares in a company (or units in a trust) to members of the public, followed by listing on a stock exchange.
  10. To use a float (tool).It is time to float this horse's teeth.
  11. poker To perform a float.
  1. A buoyant device used to support something in water or another liquid.Attach the float and the weight to the fishing line, above the hook.
  2. A mass of timber or boards fastened together, and conveyed down a stream by the current; a raft.
  3. A float board.
  4. A tool similar to a rasp, used in various trades.
  5. A sort of trowel used for finishing concrete surfaces or smoothing plaster.When pouring a new driveway, you can use a two-by-four as a float.

A play where you call a bet or raise with the intention of bluffing later.

  1. An elaborately decorated trailer or vehicle, intended for display in a parade or pageant.That float covered in roses is very pretty.
  2. British A small vehicle used for local deliveries, especially in the term milk float.
  3. finance Funds committed to be paid but not yet paid.Our bank does a nightly sweep of accounts, to adjust the float so we stay within our reserves limit.
  4. finance, Australia, and other Commonwealth countries? An offering of shares in a company (or units in a trust) to members of the public, normally followed by a listing on a stock exchange.2006, You don't actually need a broker to buy shares in a float when a company is about to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. — Australian Securities and Investments Commission financial tips article, Buying shares in a float []
  5. banking The total amount of checks/cheques or other drafts written against a bank account but not yet cleared and charged against the account.No sir, your current float is not taken into account, when assets are legally garnished.
  6. insurance Premiums taken in but not yet paid out.We make a lot of interest from our nightly float.
  7. programming A floating-point number.That routine should not have used an int; it should be a float.
  8. A soft beverage with a scoop of ice-cream floating in it.It's true - I don't consider anything other than root-beer with vanilla ice-cream to be a 'real' float.
  9. A small sum of money put in a cashier's till at the start of business to enable change to be made.
  10. poker A maneuver where a player calls on the flop or turn with a weak hand, with the intention of bluffing after a subsequent community card.
  11. knitting One of the loose ends of yarn on an unfinished work.
  12. automotive a car carrier or car transporter truck or truck-and-trailer combination
  13. transport a lowboy trailer
  14. tempering A device sending a copious stream of water to the heated surface of a bulky object, such as an anvil or die.
  15. obsolete The act of flowing; flux; flow.
  16. A quantity of earth, eighteen feet square and one foot deep.
  17. A polishing block used in marble working; a runner.
  18. UK, dated A coalcart.
English Latin
  • A buoyant device used to support something in water or another liquid.
  • A tool similar to a rasp, used in various trades

translations float

  • Having completed and secured them, he then joined to them other floats of equal size.

    His perfectis collocatisque alias deinceps pari magnitudine rates iungebat.

  • verb

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The method relies on the solid crystal floating on the surface of the melt, which works because solid silicon is less dense than liquid silicon.
Qua de causa hieme aquae crystalla in lacus superficie fluitant, quod ea minus densa sunt quam aqua liquida.
Spies were set round them, who noted the sorrow of each mourner and followed the rotting corpses, till they were dragged to the Tiber, where, floating or driven on the bank, no one dared to burn or to touch them.
neque propinquis aut amicis adsistere, inlacrimare, ne visere quidem diutius dabatur, sed circumiecti custodes et in maerorem cuiusque intenti corpora putrefacta adsectabantur, dum in Tiberim traherentur ubi fluitantia aut ripis adpulsa non cremare quisquam, non contingere.

Poker Define Four Of A Kind

These beams were bound together by timber laid over them, in the direction of the length of the bridge, and were [then] covered over with laths and hurdles; and in addition to this, piles were driven into the water obliquely, at the lower side of the bridge, and these, serving as buttresses, and being connected with every portion of the work, sustained the force of the stream: and there were others also above the bridge, at a moderate distance; that if trunks of trees or vessels were floated down the river by the barbarians for the purpose of destroying the work, the violence of such things might be diminished by these defenses, and might not injure the bridge.
Haec derecta materia iniecta contexebantur ac longuriis cratibusque consternebantur; ac nihilo setius sublicae et ad inferiorem partem fluminis oblique agebantur, quae pro ariete subiectae et cum omni opere coniunctae vim fluminis exciperent, et aliae item supra pontem mediocri spatio, ut, si arborum trunci sive naves deiciendi operis causa essent a barbaris missae, his defensoribus earum rerum vis minueretur neu ponti nocerent.
'Thither we sailed, when, rising with the wave, / Orion dashed us on the shoals, the prey / of wanton winds, and mastering billows drave / our vessels on the pathless rocks astray. / We few have floated to your shore.'
'Hic cursus fuit; / cum subito assurgens fluctu nimbosus Orion / in vada caeca tulit, penitusque procacibus Austris / perque undas, superante salo, perque invia saxa / dispulit; huc pauci vestris adnavimus oris'.
Having completed and secured them, he then joined to them other floats of equal size.
His perfectis collocatisque alias deinceps pari magnitudine rates iungebat.
Amid the waves is seen / an island, sacred to the Nereids' queen / and Neptune, lord of the AEgean wave, / which, floating once, Apollo fixed between / high Myconos and Gyarus, and gave / for man's resort, unmoved the blustering winds to brave.
Sacra mari colitur medio gratissima tellus / Nereidum matri et Neptuno Aegæo, / quam pius Arcitenens, oras et litora circum / errantem, Mycono e celsa Gyaroque revinxit, / immotamque coli dedit et contemnere ventos.
It is naturally a fluid of dark colour; when vinegar is sprinkled upon it, it coagulates and floats upon the surface.
Certo anni bitumen egerit, cuius legendi usum, ut ceteras artis, experientia docuit.
Consequently after an interval the excavations were deepened, and to attract a crowd once more, a show of gladiators was exhibited, with floating pontoons for an infantry engagement.
eoque tempore interiecto altius effossi specus, et contrahendae rursum multitudini gladiatorum spectaculum editur, inditis pontibus pedestrem ad pugnam.
Men were swept away by the waves or sucked under by eddies; beasts of burden, baggage, lifeless bodies floated about and blocked their way.
sternuntur fluctibus, hauriuntur gurgitibus; iumenta, sarcinae, corpora exanima interfluunt, occursant.
The floating garden beds are formed by extensive manual labor.
Instrumenta lapidea sunt ex multis lapidis generibus facta.
Having gone out so far that the mole could not be continued in the deep water, he fixed double floats, thirty feet on either side, before the mole.
Longius progressus, cum agger altiore aqua contineri non posset, rates duplices quoquo versus pedum XXX e regione molis collocabat.
Amid the waves is seen / an island, sacred to the Nereids' queen / and Neptune, lord of the AEgean wave, / which, floating once, Apollo fixed between / high Myconos and Gyarus, and gave / for man's resort, unmoved the blustering winds to brave.
Sacra mari colitur medio gratissima tellus / Nereidum matri et Neptuno Aegaeo, / quam pius Arcitenens, oras et litora circum / errantem, Mycono e celsa Gyaroque revinxit, / immotamque coli dedit et contemnere ventos.
To counteract this, Pompey fitted out large merchant ships, which he found in the harbor of Brundusium: on them he erected turrets three stories high, and, having furnished them with several engines and all sorts of weapons, drove them among Caesar's works, to break through the floats and interrupt the works; thus there happened skirmishes every day at a distance with slings, arrows, and other weapons.

Poker Define Floating

Contra haec Pompeius naves magnas onerarias, quas in portu Brundisino deprehenderat, adornabat. Ibi turres cum ternis tabulatis erigebat easque multis tormentis et omni genere telorum completas ad opera Caesaris adpellebat, ut rates perrumperet atque opera disturbaret.
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